Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Letter to 244 2

Dear 244 lb. me,

It's been a while since you've heard from me.  I've been comfortable.......comfortable in my "new skin".......comfortable in my much smaller comfortable that I found myself off the "healthy lifestyle" wagon for a few months.

This morning I had a wake-up call.  I happened across a video........a video of me.....speaking about how much my life has changed since I left you, my 244 lb. self. (Click here to watch the video) It was just what I needed to hear to help me jump back on the wagon of a healthy lifestyle.  It reminded me how far I've come and everything I did to say farwell to you. 

Since I've been so comfortable off the wagon, I've forgotten the important things that helped me lose you. This comfort has also caused a few pounds to come back. (8 lb. to be exact). 

1.)  I quit exercising.  I got so busy that I pushed aside the best stress reliever and healthy living tool I have ever had.  The entire family is jumping back on the "Crossfit" wagon on Monday and I've never looked so forward to being in "pain" as I am now.  It will feel great to "feel the burn" again. 

 2.)  Sugar & Bad carbs!  Sugar and bad carbs found their way back into my life over the holidays and they haven't wanted to leave since.  I am going to have to kick both of them to the curb again and start logging my food into My Fitness Pal again.  

3) 40/30/30--Speaking of My Fitness Pal, I need to get back to the right diet & eating "clean again.....  40% carb (Good more bread or sweets), 30% protein, and 30% fat and minimal processed food.  

3.)  Water!  I have been slacking on my water intake......Instead I've found myself drinking sweet tea (well....I've been somewhat good and gone half sweet, half unsweet) and an occassional soda (yikes). I've been drinking water but not the recommended amount and I can tell a huge difference thanks to the extra water weight.  

4.)  Cut back on the wine.... Yikes!  I guess you could say I've been taking this article to heart (Read article "A Glass of Red Wine is Equivalent to an Hour at the Gym").  But, I doubt that several glasses of wine equal several hours at the gym. 

5.) Morning & Before Bed Devotion & Quiet Time:  This one is the most important and I have gotten out of the habit lately,  using "busy" as my excuse.  When I take some time for morning devotion before my crazy day begins and again when it comes to a close, it really helps me stay focused and on track.  It helps me  remember that I can do all things when I remember to focus on God and all he does for us.  

So 244 lb. self, the next time you hear from me, I am hopeful that I will be 8+ pounds lighter and back on the wagon of healthy living and remembering.........Everything 4:13!

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Letter to 244 lb. me Part I

Now that I am more than a year post-op from my Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, I find myself frequently looking back at how far I have come in 12 short months.  One of my friends is about to start the VSG journey and I thought it would be helpful to provide insight on things I wish I had known and/or done from the beginning.  This letter will focus on a few things to remember during the first weeks post-op.

Dear 244 lb. me,

I know you are feeling pretty scared right now.  "What did I do?" and "Will I ever be normal again?" are two questions that are constantly running through your head.  Trust gets better......better than you could ever imagine.  Hang in there, follow dr.'s instructions, and it will be worth it in the end.  

Here are a few things you need to remember in the coming weeks:

1.  Walk!

The dr. will tell you to start walking immediately after surgery.  It may seem impossible but......just do it!  Your body was filled with air during the surgery which leaves you pretty uncomfortable  The best way to get rid of it is to get moving.  The dr. likes it a lot if you are up and moving.......which means he is more likely to send you home quickly.  :) Even once you get home.......keep walking.  Get a will help keep you motivated.  Follow your friends on Fitbit and do daily or weekly challenges to help you meet your step goal.  You know how much you like to will find yourself walking in place just to meet your daily step goal.  Another thing to help get you moving is to find a good series to watch on Netflix and watch while you're on the treadmill.  You can even walk in place while you're cooking.  It doesn't matter........just keep moving!

2.  Take SMALL sips.
You will read it in your VSG manual.......take small sips.  They put it there for a reason........believe it or not, even a small sip of water will feel like you just finished a Thanksgiving feast.  Don't drink too hurts.  It will be really tough to get all of your water in each day, try to drink 1 oz. every 15 minutes.  You may want to resort to using a shot glass......with water!  Adding Protein Shots or Isopure to your water will help you get both goals in at the same time.  They taste pretty yucky by themselves but aren't too bad watered down and with some Crystal Light.  It is tough to get your protein in during the first few weeks.  You will be searching for anything to help you meet your daily protein and water goal.  Try it but remember.........SMALL sips.

3.  Liquid in = Liquid out

I'm not going to go into too much detail on this one because......... EEEEWWWW!  But FYI:  after a few days don't freak out.  You're only food source at this point is liquids..........remember........what goes in must come out.  That's all I have to say about that.

4.  Measure and take pictures frequently.
You may feel silly or it may be time consuming, but you will be glad you did in the end.  After a few weeks, your weight loss on the scale will probably stall for a few days......or even a few weeks.  Don't worry!  The measuring tape will help keep you motivated.  You will be surprised at how many inches you can lose in a week.  Pictures will also help you track your progress and it will make you smile to see how far you have come.

5.  Save a pair of "fat" pants

Go ahead, admit know you've always dreamed of losing so much weight that you could fit into the leg of your old pants.  Hold onto your britches girl because it will happen!  Continue to hold onto those pants.......even after you fit into one leg.  Keep them hanging in your closet......near the front.  This will be a constant reminder of how far you have come. (and also remind you that you don't want to go back.)

6.  Learn how to express instead of feed your emotions

This will be your biggest battle.  The first few days after surgery, you will feel great physically.  Mentally you will be a basketcase.  You have fed your emotions for years.  Happy, sad, stressed, excited......regardless of the feeling....instead of expressing ate!  You will no longer have a stomach big enough to feed those emotions..........find an outlet.  Running, journaling, talking to a friend......anything besides eating.  Learn to cry, laugh, and smile.......your stomach and inner self will thank you for it.

7.  If you have a question..........don't be afraid to ask.

You will have questions.........lots of them.  Don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask someone.  Chances are if you are dealing with it someone else likely wondered the same thing during their post-op phase.  Your dr. set up a FB page for this very reason. Post on the board or even private message someone.   If you are too embarrassed to actually ask someone, search VSG forums or VSG YouTube videos.  You will be surprised at how many people were in the same boat as you.  Leah's VSG Journey helped me through all of the phases.

Changes will be constant during the coming months.  Don't get overwhelmed, relax, and enjoy the ride.  I am not going to lie, this is going to be the hardest thing you've ever done.  It is so worth it.  You will find your smile again.  You will learn to love yourself like you never have before.  There are so many exciting things in store for you.  Stay strong, keep the faith, and remember........Everything 4:13!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Don't trust the scale, trust your jeans!

  Last night, I was going through my computer and came across a few of my "Everything 4:13" blog posts from early 2013. 
 I decided to stroll down memory lane and read every single post.  
As I read, I could not believe how much has changed since then.  
Fast forward 19 months and I am now 85 pounds lighter.  
One post that really hit home was from Day 11 (Read it here).  
It is a post about my youngest son finding my blue jeans on my bed and saying that they looked like a GIANT could wear them.  
Here is a picture of me wearing those jeans on 1/1/13.  
And here is a picture of me wearing those jeans now!
Yes, I can now easily fit into one leg of those jeans.  What an awesome feeling! 
They will remain hanging in my closet FOREVER as a constant reminder of how far I have come.
One thing that came to my attention as I re-read all of my blog posts is that my current weight is still 15 pounds heavier than the original goal weight I set when I started this blog.  
My doctor, my BMI, my clothing size, and my "self" tells me that I am currently at a good healthy "goal" weight ........NOT the scale.  
Trust your jeans.......not the scale! 
Now that my youngest son is almost 9 year sold, I have FINALLY lost all of my baby some!  
I recently came to the realization that I have lost the same amount of pounds that my 11 year old son currently weighs. 
I used to walk around 24/7 with the weight of my "baby boy" that I can no longer carry because he is so heavy!
 It's no wonder I was always exhausted and getting injured while exercising. 
After rediscovering my old blog, I hope to revisit and repost periodically by reflecting on old post and how things have changed now that I have reached my weight loss goal. 

Faith, action, perseverance, patience, and time..........those are all things that helped me reach my weight loss goal BUT most importantly it was remembering to focus on..........
Everything 4:13!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 93

It's been a while since I've posted.......I guess it's safe to say that I've been stuck in a "diet rut".  After Spring Break, I got VERY frustrated over the fact that I was still only 10 pounds down. I decided to try something different to help me with my weight loss goals.  One of my biggest obstacles, as I've mentioned before is that I am HORRIBLE about eating veggies. At first, I looked into "juicing" but decided if I can't stand to eat veggies....I more than likely wouldn't be able to stand juicing them either.  Next, I considered the "old school" Slim Fast diet.......then after looking at all the "mystery" ingredients it contained.....I decided that wouldn't be a good choice either.  Then, I remembered someone telling me about "Manna 360" when I started my blog in January.  I began to research it and learned that the product comes from local company based out of Sarasota, Live Smart 360.  The more I read about it....the more I wanted to try it.

Here are the highlights that "sold" me on giving "Manna 360" a try:

One Manna 360 shake serving (3 Weight Watcher Points): 
  • Helps weight management feel effortless.
  • Fulfills your body's daily nutrient requirements (RDA).
  • 77 vital ingredients.
  • 40 fruits and vegetables, protein, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, super foods, antioxidants, enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, and adaptogens.
  • Provides 32% of your daily recommended fiber.
  • Supports nutritional needs during weight-loss efforts.
  • Naturally reduces cravings and appetite.
  • Naturally recharges healthy energy levels.
  • Enhances fat burning lean muscle mass.
  • All-natural, top quality "no compromise" ingredients.
  • Contains NO artificial sweeteners, added sugar, preservatives, chemicals, or controversial ingredients.
  • Formulated to be 99% lactose free.
  • Easy to take along - traveling, camping, to the office.
  • Easy to store. Does not require refrigeration.
  • Convenient. Mixes with water or any beverage.
  • Saves money vs. buying individual supplements.
  • Saves money vs. buying expensive whole-foods.
  • Saves money vs. throwing away spoiled foods.
  • Saves time vs. preparing whole-food meals.
  • Saves time vs. shopping for expensive whole foods.
  • Tastes terrific - It tastes like Vanilla icing to me.  Yummy!

Only a few minutes after researching the product I discovered that a Facebook friend had recently become a distributor...........all the signs were pointing in the "Live Smart 360" direction!  After a phone conversation with her, she told me about additional products that would help me reach my weight loss goal.  I have now been using them for two weeks and I must say......I feel great!  I have one shake for breakfast, a healthy lunch, a shake for an afternoon snack, and eat dinner with my family each night. My energy has increased, I'm sleeping better, and I'm getting the nutrients my body needs.  I don't know how many pounds I've lost yet because I decided to step away from the scale.  It was beginning to frustrate me, so I'm trying to stay away from it and only weigh once a month.  BUT......according to my 7 year old's "hug test", I'm moving in the right direction.  The other day he said, "Mommy, you're getting littler.  You know how I can tell?  My fingers can touch when I hug you!"  Hearing that feels better than seeing a smaller number on the scale in my book!
I think it is no coincidence that the product I am using is called "Manna 360". Exodus 16 speaks of how God provided Manna to the Israelites when they were in the wilderness.  They began to lose faith in God and he sent the manna down from Heaven to test them.  Just as the manna tested the faith and strength of the Israelites, Manna 360 is a reminder that I need to keep my Faith in God throughout this journey and always remember.........Everything 4:13!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 76

Heaven got an amazing angel, Wendy Suarez.  
Wendy was taken from us too soon.  
She was in the best health of her life, was blessed with a wonderful husband and beautiful family.  She had big plans in her job as a school administrator.
It is times like this that you can't help but wonder........Why?!?
Why would God let something like this happen to such an amazing person?
It is easier said than done at times like this, but 
FAITH in God 
is what helps get us through.
My path has crossed with Wendy's several times in my five years in Bradenton.
I first met Wendy during my first year teaching in Manatee County
when she was subbing for the Assistant Principal at Tara Elementary.
Two years later, we met again when she worked as Assistant Principal at my current school, 
Gene Witt Elementary.
Last year I had the opportunity to shadow Wendy for several days while she worked as
 Assistant Principal at Jesse P. Miller Elementary.
Although Wendy was a mentor for me as a school administrator, 
she was MUCH more than that.
Wendy had a way of making everyone feel special.  
Her kind-heart, sincerity, and determination were among her best qualities. 
She was a wonderful example of an effective school administrator.
It was not only Wendy's work as a school administrator that inspired me.
Wendy's recent weight loss was an inspiration to me as well.
In the past few years, Wendy lost quite a bit of weight and became a devoted runner.  
She frequently posted pictures on Facebook that motivated and inspired me:  
She posted before & after pictures of her weight loss, pictures of her and her husband at the finish line of races, and pictures of her and her family.
Wendy didn't only look amazing......most importantly, she looked........Happy.
I must weight loss journey was put on a brief "break" this week of "Spring Break".
Wendy's passing, however, has inspired me to continue move forward and reach my goal.
Thinking about how healthy and happy she was motivates me to do the same.
I know Wendy is up there in heaven in her tennis shoes running the most beautiful courses we could ever imagine.....with a huge smile on her face.
I am going to make Wendy proud.
Now, my weight loss is not just about me and my health......
I want to do it to honor the memory of Wendy as well.
Please keep Wendy's family, friends, and co-workers in your prayers as they cope with her loss.
The faculty, students, and teachers of Jesse P. Miller Elementary will need lots of prayer and support as they face their first school day without Wendy tomorrow.
Mercy Me's, "Homesick" is a song that gives me comfort in remembering that Wendy is "Home" and 
we will one day meet again.
Remember.......Everything 4:13!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 70

It's Spring Break!  What does that mean for me.......Spring Cleaning!  Since getting our house decluttered is a top priority before we put our house on the market, we decided to send the boys up to Georgia to visit their grandparents this week. 
 It is amazing how much easier it is to "chunk" stuff without your kids there to remind you of how Buzz & Woody felt in Toy Story when they were given away.  Needless to say.......I'm 3 days into my cleaning frenzy and I've gotten MUCH more done than I ever would have imagined.  I miss my kiddo's like crazy though.  Thanks to the wonders of Facetime, we've been able to "see" them even while they are away. 
I pinned the recipe for Tex-Mex Chicken Salad a few weeks ago & made it today.  It is delicious! I changed a few things from the original recipe, mainly because I can't stand fat-free mayo.  Even with the "real thing", it's still only 7 points per serving.  Here's my version of the recipe.

Tex-Mex Chicken Salad
6 servings
7 Points+ Per Serving

1 whole Rotisserie Chicken, shredded
2 tbsp. mayo
1/2 c. plain greek yogurt 0% fat
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp chili powder
1 small sweet red pepper, chopped
1 small green pepper, chopped
2 medium uncooked scallions, sliced
11 oz. can sweet yellow corn, drained & rinsed
1 c. low-sodium black beans, drained & rinsed

Combine ingredients & chill.  
As I continue to clean and declutter, I can gain comfort from the fact that I'm burning calories in the process.  Remember.......Everything 4:13!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 67

Well, I'm 67 days in and I have officially run out of stuff to write about.
So.............. In honor of Spring Break, 
I've decided to take a brief hiatus from my daily least until I have something interesting 
to say, a delicious recipe to share, or exciting weight loss news to tell the world about.
Remember Everything 4:13!