Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 11

 I left a pair of blue jeans laying on my bed this morning and suddenly hear my 7 year old son scream........"Mommy!  There's a HUGE pair of jeans in your bedroom.....I think a giant must have left them or something!"  Wow......What a way to start the morning!  (The sad thing is that the jeans are actually TOO tight!)  It hurt to hear, but it was true!  I got to thinking about what he said and decided that I will NEVER, EVER get rid of those jeans now.  Not because I want to wear them, but when I reach my goal weight I want them to ALWAYS be a reminder of where I started and that I don't ever want to go back.  It also made me realize that although I am ashamed of those enormous jeans, it never occurred to my son that they could possibly be mine.  In his eyes, I am not overweight.  To him, I am a princess and the most beautiful woman in the world!  I need to remember that.
My devotion this morning was very fitting in preparation for my son's "giant jeans" comment.  It focused on how women always strive to measure up to "perfection" and that always focusing on ourselves is not in God's plan.  The devotion ended by saying, "We were designed to focus on Him. Shifting our attention from ourselves to God will change our perspective. God longs for our obsession to be Him."  One of the focus verses was Isaiah 42:8, “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols”.  Click here to view today's devotion.  I need to quit striving for perfection and remember.........The only perfect one is HIM........Everything 4:13!

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