Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1

Well.....the first page of my new 365 page book was good for the most part......considering it was New Year's Day!

The first thing I did this morning was take that dreaded step onto the scale......uggh!  I'm not quite ready to reveal my starting weight, but once I've lost a good bit of weight I look forward to revealing where I was in the "beginning" of it all......I'm happy to say it isn't the HIGHEST weight I've ever been at, but THE number is far higher than where I want to be.

Day 1:  XXX pounds (to be revealed in the future????)
 I did also get a "Day 1" pic & plan on adding another one to show my progress each time I lose 10 pounds.........

Thankfully this DID NOT happen today!

Since I'm on Christmas Break & my kids have suddenly learned how to sleep late, I actually have time to watch morning talk shows.  They had a segment on the Today Show this morning talking about the fact that January 1 is NOT the day to start a new "healthy lifestyle" since you have to consume black-eyed peas & all the "healthy" stuff that goes along with it.  I absolutely refuse to cook turnip greens in my house (yuck!), so my family has a tradition of going to Cracker Barrel for our New Year's lunch.  Uggh!  In the past when I've been on a diet, I've done 1 of 2 things:  a.)  picked something bland and boring to eat leaving me feeling like I'm missing out on the "fun" or b.)  Said "What diet?"  and ordered all of my favorite not so healthy choices......Today I tried a 3rd option:  I ordered my meal and asked for a to-go box.  I set half of everything to the side to take home & was able to enjoy the rest.  I got the best of both worlds......I still got to order what I "wanted" (within reason) but didn't overindulge and completely fall off the wagon on the 1st day.  (Win, Win!)  I was also surprised to find out that I still fell far below my daily calorie allotment for the day......I'm sure my 1-hour walk with my neighbor helped with that too though!

The scripture from my "Girlfriends in God" devotion today focused on Job 38-41.  These verses describe the depth of God's power & glory and the devotion focused on how we should remember that HE is the one in charge.  In the devotion Sharon Jaynes says, "Somehow, we've come up with the absurd idea that God owes us.  That He is obliged to reveal Himself in a way that is acceptable...that fosters belief.  If we do A and B, then He is obliged to do C.  He's not.  One glance at Job Chapters 38-41 puts my silly demands in proper perspective." Job 38: 4, 8-9, 12 says:  "Who marked off its dimensions?  Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness?  Have you ever given orders to the morning or shown the dawn its place?" As I begin this journey towards self-improvement, I'm sure I will at times get discouraged.......I must remember to lay my burdens & worries before him and remember that HE is in control...........Everything 4:13!


  1. Keep going! You're motivating me too. ~Maureen

    1. Thanks Maureen! Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up once school stats back!

  2. I love your blog!! I am going to keep following :D

  3. Keep it Going.. Your Neighbor's Husband needs some motivation.
