Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 60

 Today marked the beginning of Month 3!  
I'm trying REALLY hard not to get too frustrated over the fact that I was 
4 lbs. shy of my goal for February. 
Instead of coming up with a list of excuses and reasons why I didn't reach my goal, 
I'm trying to focus on the positive and celebrate my successes I've had so far in 2013.
Top 10 Reasons I'm Happy about the First 60 Days of My Weight Loss Journey:

10.)  I make better food choices.
9.)   I drink less diet soda and MUCH more water
8.)   I am one clothing size smaller.
7.)   I move more and sit less.
6.)   I am 12 pounds lighter.
5.)   I've learned how to eat more veggies.
4.)   I'm well rested.
3.)   I've learned to conquer my "chocolate splurges" at the grocery store 
       checkout aisle
2.)   I've got a wonderful support group of friends and family helping me 
       along the way
the #1 Reason I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far this year is.........
1.)  I ALWAYS Remember.........Everything 4:13!

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