Today marked the 1st day of the 3rd quarter of this school year. With the dawn of this new quarter, I am trying to make a few changes to my routine. For most of this school year, I guess you would say my life has been TOTALLY out of balance. Between teaching full-time, learning/teaching the new Common Core State Standards, attending Graduate School, working the after-school program four days a week, & of course all the numerous duties of a mom/wife........there was little to no time for "me" and my weight AND sanity were the innocent victims as a result. Instead of continuing to make excuses for not exercising and constantly feeling like I was burning the candle at both ends, I decided to decrease the number of hours I work the after-school program this quarter. Although the extra money will be missed, I will now have more time to exercise, do homework, catch up on laundry, cook a REAL dinner, and most importantly............spend time with my family. I'm hoping that adding more "me" time to each day will help me find the perfect work-life balance..........we'll see!
As I've mentioned in previous posts, I've done the Biggest Loser Xbox game for the past two days. Let me say this...........Ouch, I'm sore! It's like my body is telling me, "See! This is what happens when you don't pay attention to me for a while!". Every muscle in my body hurts! But, you know what they say.......No Pain, No Gain! I'll keep pushing forward and endure the pain so I can enjoy the prize in the end.
I stopped by the Weight Watchers office to weigh-in today since I missed last Thursday's meeting. I was down .4 pounds.......which I am pleased with considering my "Miss Piggy" moments at the fair this weekend. I am now down 5 pounds since starting this 365-day blog on January 1. My goal for January is to lose 8 pounds, so there's still the possibility that I will reach that goal by Jan. 31.
Today's devotion focused on 1 Timothy 6:17. Sharon Jaynes spoke of the danger of ingratitude by saying, "Ingratitude is the infection of Eden that closes eyes shut tight to
glory moments to experience God and leaves us groping about in the dark
for that which will never satisfy the longings of the soul. The cure
comes in capsules of praise, thanksgiving, and a grateful heart.
Gratitude is the antibiotic of the soul to cure a variety of the world’s
ills. It cuts the bark of our hard hearts and nourishes the very spot
where we are grafted into Jesus Christ Himself, and restores a sense of
closeness and intimacy with God.Today, practice praise. Think of thanks. Go with a grateful heart."
Click here to read today's Girlfriends in God devotion. As I progress through this journey, I need to remember to that my desire to be thinner is not the source of happiness. HE is the source of my joy and I need to remember to praise HIM through the good and the bad and be grateful for all of the blessings he has bestowed on me and my family............Remember Everything 4:13!