Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12

 I purchased an ActiveLink at my first Weight Watchers meeting last week.  It is a new Weight Watchers product that you can carry in your pocket, around your neck, or clipped to your waist.  It monitors your activity throughout the day and gives you various challenges to "move more".  Last week I had to resume normal activity without doing any extra exercise so that it could get a "baseline".  The assessment finished yesterday and with my normal daily activity, I earn 1 Activity Point each day.  Every 4 weeks, it gives you a "challenge".  My first challenge is to increase my activity level from 1 points a day to 4 & get 5 lights to light up on the ActiveLink ............Challenge Accepted!
I didn't have time to formally exercise today, but I was determined to win challenge by the end of the night.  Instead of removing all of the junk piled on the treadmill or doing some boring exercise video, I decided to make it a family affair and play the X-box.  After doing Just Dance Kids and Kinect Adventures for 45 minutes, I was at 123% of my goal (& out of breath and sweating)........The ActiveLink only had 4 lights......uggh!  Almost there, but not quite enough.  To help get that fifth light to turn on, I set the timer on my phone for 5 minutes and did jumping jacks, jogged in place, etc.  Once the timer went off..........5 lights!  I win!  I can already tell that this new "toy" and the "over achiever" in me are going to be a perfect match.  
 Today's Girlfriends in God devotion focused on life's disappointments.  The focus verse was John 16:33, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world". When one faces trouble or disappointment, it is easy to question God and his "glory moments". In the devotion Sharon Jaynes says, "Glory moments do not require a physical vision, but a spiritual revelation—an understanding of a greater reality than this physical world in which we live. The unseen world is very real, and while we may not see God’s activity with our physical eyes, we can be assured of His provision and protection in ways we may never understand."  It is important for me to remember His provision and protection when I am troubled throughout my weight loss journey and also remember........Everything 4:13!

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