The "small town" girl in me came out today.
I had to drive over to St. Pete for a doctor's appointment this afternoon.
Driving to St. Pete means.........driving over the Skyway Bridge.
Driving over that bridge FREAKS me out, BUT it's gotten easier every time.
The first time I drove over it was on a windy day.
My white knuckles were tightly gripped to the steering wheel at the 10:00 & 2:00 position.
I had the radio turned off and my cell phone off to keep me focused.
I was terrified.
Today's trip over was a little scary at first with construction and traffic but as I continued along, the better I felt.
On my return trip back over the bridge though, I realized how relaxed I was.
I found myself singing along to the Zac Brown Band on the radio and actually took the time to glance over at the water and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Why was it so much easier this last time?
It was probably due to several reasons.......
Traffic was much lighter, there's no construction on the south side of the bridge, and
I had some experience under my belt and had more confidence in myself.
You may be wondering what in the world crossing the Skyway Bridge has to do with weight loss.
If you think about it........
working towards a weight loss goal is EXACTLY like crossing a bridge.
Sometimes it's scary and sometimes it's smooth sailing.
Outside variables that are beyond your control can make it more difficult than you expected. Regardless of how you feel as you cross that bridge, it feels GREAT once you get to the other side.
Sometimes the bridge between Fat to Fabulous can be scary.
Sometimes I want to turn around and go back where I started.
Sometimes I want to speed up and get to the other side as fast as I can.
But, when I let go of my anxieties and fears and put my faith in God, the journey is so much easier.
The next time you are worried about crossing a bridge into unknown territory,
keep your eye on the prize and
Everything 4:13!