Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45

It's a good thing it's Valentine's day, which is apparently a day to eat chocolate "guilt-free", because as a teacher, I DEFINITELY got my share of chocolate today.  After opening the numerous boxes from my sweet, excited students, I enjoyed a few pieces......and them IMMEDIATELY took the rest of it to the front office because I knew if it was sitting near would be gone before I knew it!  On top of chocolate's......I also had my Class Valentine's Day party!  Which meant......Ice Cream floats AND another weakness of mine............. those yummy, soft, icing, sprinkle covered sugar cookies. Yep, I couldn't resist those either.  Yikes!  On the plus side, my husband was thoughtful enough to give me a beautiful bouquet of tulips instead of a box of chocolates. (Whew, thanks honey......Love you!) 

The boys had to go to the batting cages tonight for baseball so we had a VERY romantic quick Valentine's day dinner delivered......via Domino's. (ha ha) So....needless to say, this week has DEFINITELY not been that great on the diet front for me......I've had  1 birthday, 1 mid-term exam, 1 crazy stress-filled day of "Why's", and now Valentine's Day. I'm not going to beat myself up about my imperfect eating this's just life.  I will continue to celebrate my small-victories and move on from my "diet fails" too........Remember Everything 4:13!

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