Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50

What is the BIGGEST obstacle I face in my weight loss battle? TIME........there just aren't enough hours in the day.  The quote above is so true...........if you don't manage your time, the rest of your life is chaos.  That is exactly how I feel right now...........I have got to get a grasp of my "time" and figure out how to balance it all. 
It's not that I don't have the "tools" to help me manage my time.......there are 1000's of apps, calendars, timers, and planners out there to keep you organized......I have many of them.  I start out each day with "a plan........the problem is that plan doesn't have any room for error.........if one little thing changes....then the WHOLE schedule for the day is out of whack.  What gets pushed to the side 99.9 % of the time.............EXERCISE.  (Cooking a healthy meal, doing laundry, and cleaning house coming in a close 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place)  As Ephesians 5:15-16 says, I MUST make the best use of my time and prioritize.  What is REALLY more important?.......getting a few minutes of exercise or checking out the latest pins on Pinterest and Facebook posts?  I've tried it before with a VERY short-term success, but starting tomorrow I am going to attempt "unplugging" myself from the social network world until I can get a better grasp on my time.  Don't worry.......I'll keep up the blog........if you want to "follow" me, you'll have to subscribe to my Blog via RSS or e-mail (look for the links on the right side).......Every time I get tempted to log-in and catch up on things in the Facebook world instead of devote my time to more important things, I will have to remember.........Everything 4:13!

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