Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58

Most nights, my brain has a VERY hard time shutting down at bedtime.  Which, of course, causes me to have trouble getting to sleep.  Instead of using some type of over the counter or prescription sleeping pill, I decided to give Melatonin a try. It has really helped.  I try to take it an hour or so before bed and I haven't had any trouble "getting my brain to quit talking" and have felt well-rested in the mornings.  Apparently,  Melatonin has other health benefits as well AND a good night's sleep is good for weight loss too. Win-Win!

With the "healthy sleep" thing in mind, I've made a conscious effort to go to bed an hour earlier and wake up an hour earlier this week.  It's amazing how much more "with it" I have felt this week.  I have time in the mornings to get my "mind" ready for the day and I am well rested too.  After trying for weeks, I was also FINALLY able to wake up early enough to exercise BEFORE work two times this week!  (I won the battle with the snooze button!)
The next time you are tempted to stay up a little later one night and/or hit that snooze button one more time in the morning........keep in mind that the old saying "Early to Bed Early to Rise" is actually good for your weight loss goals (and your sanity too!)  Remember..........Everything 4:13!  

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