Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 53

I finally got around to watching this week's Biggest Loser episode last night.  This season, Biggest Loser is focusing on the childhood obesity epidemic.  In this week's episode, the trainers introduced  the teenage contestants to Seventeen Magazine's Body Peace Pledge.  If you have a daughter, this is definitely worth taking a look at with them.  Click here to sign the Body Peace Treaty.  Many of the items on the pledge are battles I have faced myself for years.  In today's world of "picture perfect celebrities", it is important for young women to learn to love themselves for who they are and to have "peace" with themselves.
If you're ever having one of those days where you feeling low on the "self-confidence" front, just remember the words of Ecclesiastes 3:11.  In HIS eyes, we are ALL beautiful and if we're good enough for HIM, that's all we need.  Remember..........Everything 4:13!

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