Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43

After my oldest son's birthday yesterday, we now have an enemy in our house.......birthday cake! I had my first battle with birthday cake a little over a month ago a few days after the New Year. I ultimately won the first battle and it looks like I may win this one too!  It's funny how little the presence of "the cake" in the fridge has phased me this time around.  (Of course, we're only on day 2 with the "birthday"cake) Before starting this journey, I would have indulged in a slice of cake (or two) each day until it was gone!  Now, I look at the cake sitting in the fridge and think of the number of points it would take to enjoy it and decide on something else instead. I think this new found "willpower" that I have is due to the fact that I am now in a habit of tracking points and the "value" of them.  My persistence of tracking points (regardless of what I eat), has helped me win this "cake battle"..  Today's "Devotions for Dieters" entry focused on persistence.  The author, Dan Dick (2013), says, "Persistence is one of the most important ingredients of a successful diet.  The Bible tells us often that God is pleased by our persistence, and He will reward us for it. God will deliver us, if we will keep trying no matter what happens.  Just don't give up!  Today's thought:  No matter what happens, I will keep trying to lose weight"........With that in mind, I will continue to be persistent in my goal and Remember.....Everything 4:13!

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